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How to resolve “Windows Principal functionality is not supported on this platform” in Azure App function



I have designed an azure app function to process azure service bus queues and topics. The handlers in azure app function are aimed to process service bus messages into SQL database records through handlers. Whereas app functions are built on top of the code-first approach entity framework core 3.1. whenever I post message to Service bus topics I got “Windows principal functionality is not supported on this platform”. Let me explain you how I resolved this problem in this article


SQL Server comes handy with Mixed mode authentication where you can use either windows authentication or SQL Server authentication. I have created azure app function from .NET Core 3.1 and entity framework core 3.1.1 and provided local settings connection string with windows authentication mode.

Server=myserver;Database=mydatabase;integrated security=true;

In my case handlers can receive the message and processing it. While comes to saving point in database context it is throwing error while saving anything to this context.


I tried multiple ways to resolve this issue like reinstalling azure app functions related packages and reinstalling SQL Server, nothing helps. Finally, I have changed window authentication to SQL Server authentication. It’s works for me

Server=yourserver;Database=yourdatabase;user id= yourid;password = yourpassword ;


After the connection string changes from windows authentication mode to SQL server authentication mode, I can easily process the messages through handlers and database context saved the data successfully.


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